Bone Broths: The "New" Superfood
Bone broths are a rich source of nutrients, including protein, cartilage, gelatin and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium...

DIY Natural Cleanser
Have you tried raw manuka honey as a face cleanser? I leave mine on for 10 minutes and then wash off in the shower. Easy, clean, and...

Iron Rich Protein Shake
New spin on the post workout shake: adding blackstrap molasses for extra iron! 1/3 cup hemp protein powder 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses...

Focus Power
I'll be the first to admit that it's hard for me to stay motivated to complete paperwork when the weather outside is so beautiful! In the...

Healthy Mind, Healthy Sleep, Healthy Body
September. I'm looking forward to settling into routine again, including this: journaling. This is a way to release thoughts, express...

Natural Anti-Septic
Raw, organic manuka honey is my remedy of choice for disinfecting cuts and scrapes! It can also be used to help prevent infection in...

Healthier Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
A healthier, dairy-free version of the chocolate peanut butter cup! 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup cocoa 1/2 cup cashew butter 1/4 cup...

Homemade Electrolyte Drink
Forget the gatorade and try this homemade electrolyte drink instead! Good for hot sunny days, and fevers/flu. 1/4 cup fresh lime juice...

Natural Sunburn Relief
A few of my favourite sunburn remedies! Aloe vera gel and comfrey leaf oil applied to the burn, and homeopathic cantharis for symptom...